What I Have Learnt From Teaching Online

What I Have Learnt From Teaching Online

Transitions are always hard to cope with, nonetheless, necessary. Well, sometimes, at least. Moving on from face-to-face to online teaching, either partially or fully, is a practice that is increasingly gaining more and more ground in today’s teaching vocation. This, of course, does not only refer to English language teaching (which is what I teach, hence the example), but rather to anything that can be taught. Literally, anything! You can teach a class on how to take good pictures to growing vegetables to flying a plane—ok I may be exaggerating in the last part, but you get my drift.

Here are some of the gains of teaching online:

  1. Flexibility of time and location. There are two types of teaching and learning: synchronous and asynchronous. As a brief explanation, the former refers to the real-time process, while the latter is usually pre-recorded for the students, who can enjoy a lesson any time they wish. Both types offer flexibility of time and location as you can decide on your own schedule for offering lessons synchronously, and your own schedule for recording and preparing your class to offer in an asynchronous manner. Are you on vacation in the Caribbean? As you long as you have a decent internet connection, you can teach!
  2. Saving on commuting and materials costs. Flexibility of location instantly means that you can work from home, therefore you don’t have to commute to and from work. Add the amount of transportation costs you are saving and you can start planning your next vacation (to the Caribbean, perhaps?) Apart from commuting, though, you save a lot on buying materials and avoiding photocopying and printing. With the millions of options that online access provides you in the blink of an eye, even lesson planning becomes an easier task. Thus, more varied lessons, more money in your pocket, more vacations to the Caribbean!
  3. Freedom… to teach anything you want. Do you have a passion organizing homes? A passion for fashion? For gardening? Whatever your passions and skills are, you can make them into a class for everyone to learn. If you have a skill that you think is obsolete or not suitable for synchronous teaching, why not try online teaching platforms, such as Udemy, ng, EdX, and many more?


Sounds ideal? It sure does! However, there are points to be taken into consideration with such a transition. You always need to be knowledgeable about new practices, tips and tricks, and online tools that will allow you to be up to date, both regarding the content of your lesson and the way you deliver it. There is also the need for building your brand. This is especially challenging if you are working on your own, as attracting students and building your brand is something that you need to be considering throughout your online teaching career.

Nevertheless, teaching is imparting knowledge and whether online or in-person, the aim is always the same, so any challenges that come your way are worth it to reach your goals and those of your students.

Are you looking to engage technology in your school or organization for learning? Do not hesitate to contact us via http://www.eyecity.ng/contact/. You may read more about our learning management consulting service here http://www.eyecity.ng/learning-management-systems/.

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